What brings a human being to the brink of doing things we can't imagine anyone doing - good or evil? What makes the person cross the line of the impossible? What's the fuel feeding the transition...?
The emotions we feel and react to...in different ways...depending on the circumstances...always fueled by the level of fear we feel...of showing our emotions...or not.
Förelskelse [Love]; the fear you feel when letting your guard down; displaying vulnerability...instead of "safety".
Empati [Empathy]; the fear of the uncertainty you feel when showing compassion; easing someone's pain...with less regard to your own.
Alienation [Alienation]; the fear you feel of being left out; of being lonely, not able to share your love, hate, passion or anxiety.
Reciprok altuism [Reciprocal altruism] or ["Ömsesidig nytta"]; the fear of having to reciprocate one favor with another; be in debt to someone...knowing you'll never be free...or able to pay back.
In my book "A Mindful Death", the characters actions and the life they live, are fuelled by fear.
Acts of survival; of seizing the opportunity in life...and death; doing the best you can in any given moment...even if it means killing...a mindful killing...a mindful death.
A focus on the fuel that renew, rather than the fear that suffocate.
A long lost love romantically rekindled when the lovers determine to let their guards down; allow vulnerability into their relationship; letting their feelings, rather than logic, guide them.
The empathy shown by some, and then, not by others, out of fear for retribution for the act, or inaction; the battle between good and evil...and the choices made which side to choose.
The alienation felt...and lived; secrets kept...never to be shared; the feeling of being left alone with one's thoughts, conscience; not knowing...or understanding...if the they are morally right... or wrong.
Bound by reciprocal altruism - not ever being allowed to stop reciprocating; indebted...for life.
A Mindful Death...
Mindfulness can examine the mechanics of selfishness and understand what it sees.
Mindfulness can pierce the mystery of suffering and the mechanics of discomfort.
Mindfulness can make you free. Mindfulness can set you free.
Mindfulness simply accepts whatever is there.
A Mindful Death is a death that free you from the feelings of being chained to a past that you no longer want to hang on to.
In a fictional world - A Mindful Death is an act of survival. A mindful killing, a mindful death. And the very high price you pay to be set free from something that has tormented you, while at the same time kept you alive...but kept you a living dead...for a long time...
The choice for them to make is to:
Fear not. LIVE...because Life is beautiful [429]
The emotions we feel and react to...in different ways...depending on the circumstances...always fueled by the level of fear we feel...of showing our emotions...or not.
Förelskelse [Love]; the fear you feel when letting your guard down; displaying vulnerability...instead of "safety".
Empati [Empathy]; the fear of the uncertainty you feel when showing compassion; easing someone's pain...with less regard to your own.
Alienation [Alienation]; the fear you feel of being left out; of being lonely, not able to share your love, hate, passion or anxiety.
Reciprok altuism [Reciprocal altruism] or ["Ömsesidig nytta"]; the fear of having to reciprocate one favor with another; be in debt to someone...knowing you'll never be free...or able to pay back.
In my book "A Mindful Death", the characters actions and the life they live, are fuelled by fear.
Acts of survival; of seizing the opportunity in life...and death; doing the best you can in any given moment...even if it means killing...a mindful killing...a mindful death.
A focus on the fuel that renew, rather than the fear that suffocate.
A long lost love romantically rekindled when the lovers determine to let their guards down; allow vulnerability into their relationship; letting their feelings, rather than logic, guide them.
The empathy shown by some, and then, not by others, out of fear for retribution for the act, or inaction; the battle between good and evil...and the choices made which side to choose.
The alienation felt...and lived; secrets kept...never to be shared; the feeling of being left alone with one's thoughts, conscience; not knowing...or understanding...if the they are morally right... or wrong.
Bound by reciprocal altruism - not ever being allowed to stop reciprocating; indebted...for life.
A Mindful Death...
Mindfulness can examine the mechanics of selfishness and understand what it sees.
Mindfulness can pierce the mystery of suffering and the mechanics of discomfort.
Mindfulness can make you free. Mindfulness can set you free.
Mindfulness simply accepts whatever is there.
A Mindful Death is a death that free you from the feelings of being chained to a past that you no longer want to hang on to.
In a fictional world - A Mindful Death is an act of survival. A mindful killing, a mindful death. And the very high price you pay to be set free from something that has tormented you, while at the same time kept you alive...but kept you a living dead...for a long time...
The choice for them to make is to:
- acknowledge and manage their fear; understand how fear fuel their feelings, thoughts, actions, and choices they make in life.
- show vulnerability; let their guard down...embrace love.
- allow their emotions and impulses guide them..show empathy.
- reach out for help and support...dread alienation.
- help someone, expect nothing in return...say no to reciprocal altruism.
Fear not. LIVE...because Life is beautiful [429]